Sunday 29 March 2015


It is a fact we all have to accept: if you have done quite a number of prayers on earth, there is most likely a time or more when your prayer seemed to be going nowhere or not even passing the roof as some people may claim. 

Having this feeling doesn’t make you unspiritual, it only shows there are some things you still need to understand. The first is that God is with you right where you are and you do not need your prayer to pass the roof. Matt. 28:20 says “…I am with you always…” This means if you are talking to someone with you (and in you), you do not need your prayer to pass the roof. The second reason is because people serve God with their senses. The walk of the believer is by faith. So even when you feel your prayers your prayers are going no way, it is important you cast out that feeling and boldly believe. The final reason is that some sort of unforgiveness, malice or sin may lurk in the corner. This doesn’t stop your prayers from reaching God but may restrict or slow your answers. Therefore, confess any sin to God, hold no one in your heart and walk in love and always remember, God is our father and that he always hears us.
Happy Palm and Election Sunday!!!

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