Sunday 12 July 2015

Shalom's Creed With Charles XV: You Are Not Normal!

I am not normal! I am extra-ordinary! It’s not pride, it is just a confession of who I am. The Bible says I am born of God! I am a god; how could I be normal? I believe you are not normal too.
Were you created by God? Then, you are not normal! How dare you limit yourself to the elements of this world? The economy, the confines and the limiting barriers? Stop living your life as though anything were a factor but God.

The economy is not a factor, the amount of money in your hand neither is your family background a factor! Only God regulates your life. Abnormal people have crazy visions and dreams.

Dreams beyond them and most importantly, dreams inspired by God. Steve Furtick rightly said “If the size of your vision for your life is not intimidating to you, there is a good chance it is insulting to God”.

You start living the abnormal life when you start living the dream God has given you. There is always a chance that fear would come up but counter fear with the love of God and faith.

The love you have for God, would make you face those challenges, knowing fully well He has committed something into your charge! Start living the life; Write that book, Start up that business, Stand up for integrity in your work, family and relationships; Be who God wants you to be; Incite a revolutionary riot in your mind.

Remember, you can’t do all these in Heaven. Your Life is blessed!

 Much Love - Charles Okeke.

                    It's a moving train...

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