Thursday 7 January 2016

Reducing Snoring In 2016.

"Gina, I will wose you slap now" Kemi said from the other side of the room rather disgusted at her roommate's perpetual snoring habit.

 Statistics have shown that at least 30% of people snore and that almost everyone has snored at one point on time or the other in life. However, snoring may increase with aging ( so when you see your folks snoring, abeg free them).

Snoring simply put is to breathe noisily while you sleep. It is basically caused by obstruction of air flow especially by relaxation of the throat muscles as you sleep. As a result, the throat space is narrowed, producing sounds while air passes.
Snoring can be dangerous because it could be implicated in sleep apnea- a condition where breath is arrested temporarily which could even lead to death. Snoring may also have a lot of health damaging consequences like headaches, decline in attention span...

You could reduce snoring by avoiding its causes;
- Avoid sleeping on your back. Sleep on your side to reduce effect of gravity on your tongue which drops back during sleep.

- Avoid alcohol which relaxes the throat's muscles. At least, avoid alcohol and heavy food or snacks 3-4 hours before sleeping.

- Avoid taking sleeping pills

- Exercise to loose weight because excessive fatty tissue around neck can press throat and affect airflow.

- Medication and surgery ( Please avoid these).

If you have a persistent snoring problem, please see a doctor. Improve your sleep life in 2016. #reduce snoring.
                        --- Charles Okeke

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