Monday 26 September 2016

Happy Anniversary To My Blog: My Story!

Hey, Today makes it 2 years since I started blogging and I am pretty sure you don't know my story! ☺️.

Felt the need to share my story (Blogging Past) so much that I decided to write on these two years of my blogging in what I call "My Past".

I always feel like I can just take it (My past) back.
Some  things I said, some things I did and how hard I prayed for an undo button.
But here I am just hoping I can learn, I can change, I can do better ...right!

Somethings I didn't want to do and which undue fame and popularity didn't make me do them.
A lot I did want to do and ofcourse, I did.

A lot of people (good, bad & notorious) I had to meet & a lot I had to either "Let go" or  "Famz".
A lot of choices I had to make & a couple of decisions I had to take.
Falling  and rising were more like the highlights.

Fast I came to the realization that it was a lion's world.
I became my shield & sword and choose to fight my battles.
I had to be brave, ready to always face challenges and never look lost.

Just to keep the past the past, I choose to move on and learn from it.
For if I don't learn from my mistakes, I will end up in a future I will never refuse.

The past is written & there is no changing it.
What is done is done & the future is mine to choose.

A future in which I will not shrink to fit into your expectations.
A future in which I will not downplay my blessings to make you comfortable.
For I will work hard & pray well.

He will lift me up and set me on a hill.
A city that's set on a hill cannot be hidden.
And yh... I want to be that city.

Happy Anniversary to my blog πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ™πŸ˜πŸ’ͺ🏾