Sunday 24 January 2016

Shalom's Creed With Charles XX: Wisdom and Grace.

Days ago, I was reading and suddenly felt the need for an increased mental capacity and amplitude.
I discovered that with my current academic work load and the dire need in my spirit to be world class, I could no more function at my current pace of reading or understanding. The need to read notes (slides) coupled with textbooks, the need to keep myself refreshed with knowledge gained in the time past and at the same time, keep myself aglow spiritually with Bible study and meditation, got me very uncomfortable with my techniques and pace.

I knew I needed wisdom to know what to do, sinking to my bed, I began to pray in tongues and the Spirit of the Lord reminds me that Christ in me is my wisdom (Eph 1:8). Also, there is a CONSTANT and CONTINUOUS supply of the Spirit of God to his children (Gal 3:5). That Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom and grace (enablement). Even as you are reading this now, God is supplying you grace and wisdom. It's a continuous process! The Bible says if God didn't spare his son, won't he freely give us all things (including wisdom and grace)? Don't be overwhelmed by your volume of work (demand). Focus on His supply (wisdom and grace)!


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