Tuesday 30 September 2014

Shalom's Creed : Dogma!!!

  Did this short write –up out of no time today…school is beginning to take its toll...
The church has been hit by dogmatic beliefs, which have been killing us slowly.
A dogma is a spirit of captivity that binds the mind, hence preventing it from experiencing the total joy of salvation.

A dogma builds a wall of pride, making you feel, “they just can’t be right”, a dogma stagnates your life. A dogma confuses you, hence so many confused Christians, why?

So much wisdom but little understanding ***a lot are just leaving by, the pastor said*** and not by I am convinced in my spirit that***.

So when the atheists and theorists come to question them, they (Christians) have no answers.

You can be born again and still live by a dogma; you can have wisdom and still live by a dogma-Proverbs 8:9-2.

There are so many dogmas in today’s church and I am dedicating my life for God to use me in breaking them!... (Don’t know about you).